Visceral Fat assessment

Ultrasound scanning for assessing visceral fat


Excess visceral fat is strongly associated with increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, dementia, asthma, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver, and several forms of cancer.

Whilst visceral fat is frequently increased in very obese individuals, many patients in the BMI range of 23-30 may also have an excess of unhealthy visceral fat. Patients who complain to their doctor of “bloating” will often have excessive visceral fat.

Ultrasound testing will directly measure dangerous visceral abdominal fat in all age groups, including the elderly, teenagers, and in pregnant women. Even if you are fit and in a healthy weight range, you will only know how much visceral fat you have by measuring it.

We offer you a direct, safe, ultrasound measurement of visceral fat so that you can stay within, or get into, the safe range by losing excess visceral fat. Studies have shown that reducing visceral fat has clear health benefits and you may also find that you are much more motivated to work to achieve to a healthy amount of visceral fat.

Visceral fat can be absorbed by the body, because it’s more readily metabolized into fatty acids, and responds to diet and vigorous (anaerobic) exercise. You can check in 3 or 6 months to see how your belly fat is responding to the changes you make in diet and exercise.

Forget the quick fix. Liposuction for cosmetic fat removal doesn’t reach inside the abdominal wall.

Is it covered by Medicare?

This test is not eligible for a Medicare rebate and will incur a $100 fee. You can pay over the phone when you make your booking, or pay when you arrive for your scan.

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